PkR Supporter in sabah

This Video title is UNDILAH PKR FROM SABAH,meaning support Parti Keadilan Rakyat .Showing a drunken old man speak in many different language.Watch as this old man speak many language when he is drunk.When you are not in control with yourself(drunk),many think can happen,if we are happy and drunk a funny thing can happen,but if we angry and we are drunk a very bad thing can happen.

I think this old man is very talented,he can speak in many kind of language. Even though i do not know if he speaking a true language or just playing funny(antam jak). I think this old man are drink tapai(a dusun traditional drinking that can make you drunk).This old man is very high when he is recorded speaking in many languages.

"Remember Do not drive when you are drunk"


Gowshika said...

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